Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:48 pm Post subject: Luxury Tax/Revenue Sharing
Haven't heard it mentioned in a while and was wondering if things changed with the last collective bargaining agreement. Does anybody have current info where the luxury tax stands in MLB? With teams shelling out huge contracts again it seems more than the Yankees will go over the old luxury tax this season (I believe at one time it was 117 mil, but that might be wrong or have gone up). Do the D-Backs stand to pocket some extra cash from other teams' wild spending? Will that affect our projected payroll at all in the next few years or our paying down of deferred salaries and old debt? Thanks.
while I havent heard anything specific, I know that teams that didnt break the luxury tax barrier before last offseason had some sort of exemption going into last offseason. Not sure if that still applies or where the barrier is at now but I know teams were more apt to go over the limit last offseason because of this exemption.
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